Extracting block pointer list -- ffsinfo?

Jamie Ostrowski jamie.ostrowski at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 16:05:58 UTC 2009

    I'm a student studying filesystems, and I'd like to find a way to list
the block pointers in an inode. Are there any tools in FreeBSD that can do
that? For example, I've tried the following command, but I'm not seeing a
list of the block pointers:

ffsinfo -i 2 -l 256 /dev/da0s1f
# 0 at 28202200: Inode 0x00000002
mode       u_int16_t      040755
nlink      int16_t        0x0012
uid        u_int32_t      0x00000000
gid        u_int32_t      0x00000000
blksize    u_int32_t      0x00000000
size       u_int64_t      0x0000000000000200
blocks     u_int64_t      0x0000000000000004
atime      ufs_time_t     1249545661
mtime      ufs_time_t     1243012475
ctime      ufs_time_t     1243012475
birthtime  ufs_time_t     1230822454
mtimensec  int32_t        0x00000000
atimensec  int32_t        0x00000000
ctimensec  int32_t        0x00000000
birthnsec  int32_t        0x00000000
gen        int32_t        0x50291104
kernflags  u_int32_t      0x00000000
flags      u_int32_t      0x00000000
extsize    int32_t        0x00000000
db         ufs2_daddr_t[0] 0x             bc8
===== END UFS2 INODE DUMP =====

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