ZFS and disk naming change (ex. da0->da4)

Attila Nagy bra at fsn.hu
Wed Oct 24 08:18:59 PDT 2007


I have an experimental (but that does not mean, I wouldn't like to get 
my data back :) zpool, which was created with something like this:
zpool create people raidz2 /dev/da0 /dev/da3 /dev/da4, etc

The problem is those device names have been changed during the next 
reboot (the cause of this is irrelevant, but mainly because some of them 
were not attached at the original boot, just later, so at the next 
reboot the disks came up in a different order), so now I have:
zpool status
  pool: people
 state: UNAVAIL
status: One or more devices could not be opened.  There are insufficient
        replicas for the pool to continue functioning.
action: Attach the missing device and online it using 'zpool online'.
   see: http://www.sun.com/msg/ZFS-8000-D3
 scrub: none requested

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        people      UNAVAIL      0     0     0  insufficient replicas
          raidz2    UNAVAIL      0     0     0  insufficient replicas
            da0     UNAVAIL      0     0     0  cannot open
            da3     ONLINE       0     0     0
            da4     FAULTED      0     0     0  corrupted data
            da5     FAULTED      0     0     0  corrupted data
            da6     FAULTED      0     0     0  corrupted data
            da7     FAULTED      0     0     0  corrupted data
            da8     FAULTED      0     0     0  corrupted data
            da9     FAULTED      0     0     0  corrupted data

(it seems da3 is still da3 :)

My question is: what now? Is it possible to regain the pool, or is it 
totally busted now? I am not sure that I can figure out which device is 
which now...

I've only played with ZFS on Solaris with FC targets, and there I've 
never faced this problem, because of the static naming.

ps: I guess next time I will use glabel -I love that- to provide base 


Attila Nagy                                   e-mail: Attila.Nagy at fsn.hu
Free Software Network (FSN.HU)                 phone: +3630 306 6758

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