Gjournal reporting 1/2 the speed of non journaled? What is the status of Gjournal?

Eric Anderson anderson at freebsd.org
Fri Aug 17 21:22:08 PDT 2007

N. Harrington wrote:
> --- Pawel Jakub Dawidek <pjd at FreeBSD.org> wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 16, 2007 at 06:02:09PM -0700, N.
>> Harrington wrote:
>>>  With ZFS, I have not seen much new going on with
>>> gjournal. I am curious what the status of gjournal
>> and
>>> if it will likely be included with 6.3 (whenever
>> that
>>> is due)
>> That was the plan, but I'm not yet sure if I'll find
>> time to do it.
>  I hope so. It seems like everything is there.

At my previous employer, we used it heavily, and it worked well. 
However, I do think that there are some patches that have gone into 7.0 
that aren't in 6 with regards to locking/vfs/etc, that remove some bugs. 
  I saw deadlocks once in a while on 6, but after moving to 7, they go 

>>>  Also, as of late, I have been using it with
>>> 6.2-STABLE via the patches and I seem to be
>> getting
>>> 1/2 the transfer speeds compared to non journaled
>>> disks. It seems like this is recent as previous
>> tests
>>> showed it as quite fast.
>>>  Any suggestions on why this could be happening
>>> greatly appreciated.
>>>  tested via 
>>>  dd if=/dev/zero of=./testfile bs=16 count=16384
>> Gjournal is ~two times faster than UFS+SU for many
>> small, random and
>> parallel writes (such as running few 'tar x'
>> processes), but is two
>> times slower than UFS+SU for one sequential write
>> stream, as there is no
>> much that can be optimized there.
>  Is there a test that I could try? I would swear that
> using the same test in the past, it showed as faster. 
>>>  With disks getting larger and larger, why is it
>>> taking so long for a journaled filesystem to be
>>> standard on BSD?
>> We have ZFS now, we don't need journaled file
>> system:)
>  I guess I need to learn now about ZFS. As far as I
> know it is not available in 6 yet and it is for raid,
> not for journaling or a filesystem itself.

ZFS is a file system, with a lot of 'RAID'-like storage stuff built in. 
  You should read about it a bit - very cool stuff.  It's incredibly 
impressive what Pawel did in the amount of time he did it.

>  It would seem silly to have to resort to using zfs
> just so I can have a disk/mount that won't not require
> days to fsck (9 times out of 10) if there should be a
> problem.  gjournaling has been the only thing that has
> kept FreeBSD used at my company for file storage. I
> have many many active TB's with it. Much of it in 500G
> slices, which I was thinking of increasing to 1TB
> slices. I could never do that with UFS with any sanity
> or hope of having a job after the day long fsck. I
> certainly could never justify why we should not switch
> to Linux to prevent it otherwise. 

Unfortunately, this is very very true.

>  I am so grateful you did gjournaling. If I thought we
> could afford it, we would pay to make sure its
> included in 6.3.
>  Nicole
>> -- 
>> Pawel Jakub Dawidek                      
>> http://www.wheel.pl
>> pjd at FreeBSD.org                          
>> http://www.FreeBSD.org
>> FreeBSD committer                         Am I Evil?
>> Yes, I Am!
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