Gjournal reporting 1/2 the speed of non journaled? What is the status of Gjournal?

N. Harrington drumslayer2 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 16 18:28:52 PDT 2007

 With ZFS, I have not seen much new going on with
gjournal. I am curious what the status of gjournal and
if it will likely be included with 6.3 (whenever that
is due)

 Also, as of late, I have been using it with
6.2-STABLE via the patches and I seem to be getting
1/2 the transfer speeds compared to non journaled
disks. It seems like this is recent as previous tests
showed it as quite fast.

 Any suggestions on why this could be happening
greatly appreciated.

 tested via 
 dd if=/dev/zero of=./testfile bs=16 count=16384

 On 2 different dual opteron systems with 8 gigs of
Ram running FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE amd64 (as of 4 days

 Regardless of the disk (I tested scsi and ata and one
on a raid controller) both times I converted it to
journal, the speed went in half. 

 With disks getting larger and larger, why is it
taking so long for a journaled filesystem to be
standard on BSD?



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