RDBMS features into VFS

Kyryll A Mirnenko aka Mirya mirya at matrix.ua
Sun Feb 19 05:53:30 PST 2006

Consider this a feature request.

The userland is missing "ORDER BY" and "LIMIT"-like features for directory 
reading. E.g. The only avaliable API is readdir() interating over the 
directory in unspecified order. On other hand most filebrowsers utilize file 
sorting extensively (mc, for, ex, will sort files by name as default option).
When working with large directories this slowdowns operation much - e.g.
the filebrowser must read huge filelist, then sort it and output only a small 
part of it - despite the fact some FS have BTREE index for filenames. Other 
potentional candidates for sorting are:
- mtime
- size
- extattrs

Add an api into VFS layer allowing to fetch a sorted filelist and limiting the 
output to a range from N to M, like it does "SELECT ... FROM ... ORDER BY 
field LIMIT a, b" in MySQL notation. Underlying FS'es are allowed not to
add any optimized API for this operation, if so VFS implements it by itself

Someone may criticise the exaple above as huge directories in REAL fs are 
exception, but the main application comes when talking about syntetic FS. 
After fusefs was ported to FreeBSD it became possible to represent some 
business logic as filesystem and "merge" it into the real one w/o digging in 
the kernel and thinking much about how a bug in your code can make the whole 
system crash. FS interface allows programmers not to care much about the user 
iface as the user is free to use any HTML editor he/she prefers to edit a 
piece of data provided by an application - reading and writing will be 
forwardrd to aprop. backend via fuse.
The issue is most virtual "directories" in such systems will contain hundred 
thousand of "files" (like customers table) so while underlying RDBMS can 
effectively sort (the fields not representing standart file attributes are 
mapped to extattr) and chunk the data, the fs layer is not aware about that.

Regards, Mirya
ICQ #313898202

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