jUFS / UFSj Status Tracking

Eric Anderson anderson at centtech.com
Thu Sep 29 17:51:58 PDT 2005

Scott Long wrote:
> Eli K. Breen wrote:
>> Hello list (and specifically Scott Long),
>> I'm looking for a way to track the status of the jUFS/UFSj (journaled 
>> UFS) project. Searching the web at large, the mailing lists, and the 
>> FreeBSD site returns a fairly random smattering of statuses/statusii 
>> for this/these projects (seemingly run by ScottLong/MattDillion/and 
>> others). I've had a look at the oft-mentioned 
>> http://repoman.freebsd.org/depotTreeBrowser.cgi?FSPC=//depot/user/scottl/ufsj 
>> site, which although it offers up the code, doesn't really help in 
>> terms of overall status etc.
>> As a sidenote, we're hoping to leverage this to allow for 
>> multi-machine access to a consistent file store, in this case it would 
>> [hopefully] be accomplished by having a centralized journal, with all 
>> machines applying the journal to their local filesystems. Call me 
>> madcap if you will...
> You want gjournal for this, not ufsj.  Here is the project page:
> http://wikitest.freebsd.org/moin.cgi/gjournal
> Confusing names, I know, but I didn't pick the name for gjournal =-)

How does gjournal help with this?  Seems like the OP wanted a setup more 
like what Dragonfly is trying to offer - many hosts with up-to-date 
filesystem copies.


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.

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