disklabel recovery

Arne Wörner arne_woerner at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 30 06:10:26 PST 2005

--- Bill Vermillion <bv at wjv.com> wrote:
> Arne Wörner, the prominent pundit, on Sun, Oct 30, 2005 at 05:06
> while half mumbling, half-witicized:
Didn't know, that they still know me here... *grin* *blush*

> > Gal Ben-Haim wrote:
> > > what can I do with that 'dd' image in order to restore
> > > atleast some of the data on that drive ?
> > >
It just came to me, that a backup might be a good idea... For
example I do a backup every hour from /usr/home to /opt/backup
(just the changed/new files) and after 10 days I write those
backups to a DVD... Maybe Gal Ben-Haim did something similar, so
that at least the state of 10 days ago would be restorable (I had
already bad luck with that idea in case of the missing Hitler-LPs
of my history teacher; I hope this time it works better)?


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