Problem with default ACLs and mask

Heinrich Rebehn rebehn at
Tue Oct 18 04:11:16 PDT 2005

Victor Sudakov wrote:
> Heinrich Rebehn wrote:
>>Why is the write bit of the mask reset when removing write perms for
>>group? Is this really intended? 
> Yes, it is intended, whether it was a good idea or not.
> Quoting from setfacl(1)
>      Traditional POSIX interfaces acting on file system object modes have mod-
>      ified semantics in the presence of POSIX.1e extended ACLs.  When a mask
>      entry is present on the access ACL of an object, the mask entry is sub-
>      stituted for the group bits; this occurs in programs such as stat(1) or
>>    ls(1).  When the mode is modified on an object that has a mask entry, the
>>    changes applied to the group bits will actually be applied to the mask
>>    entry.  These semantics provide for greater application compatibility:
>      applications modifying the mode instead of the ACL will see conservative
>      behavior, limiting the effective rights granted by all of the additional
>      user and group entries; this occurs in programs such as chmod(1).
Very sad :-( It really seems to be impossible to implment something like
a "Group Manager" enabling me to delegate priviliges for a group of
users to some non-root person.

Where is that code located so i could patch it myself?


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