FreeBSD NFS server not responding to TCP SYN packets from Linux/SunOS clients

Eric Anderson anderson at
Fri Oct 14 10:52:52 PDT 2005

rick at wrote:
> [good stuff snipped]
>>threads), but they wait until the disks are not busy.  I'm not really 
>>sure what it would give you to have the nfsd's wait until disk is not as 
>>busy, as that is what it is doing now, right?  Maybe you would smooth 
> The difference is that, if the nfsd threads don't take the request off
> the socket receive queue, then the TCP send window slows/stops new
> requests being sent from the client at some point.
> Currently, the nfsd thread takes the request off the TCP sockets receive
> queue and then sleeps inside the VFS/VnodeOp calls.
> (As noted in the previous email, I think what happens now is good enough
>  for most cases, so long as the client doesn't retry the RPCs. I had
>  forgotten that the TCP seq# would cause TCP level retransmits to be
>  discarded, even after the request is removed from the receive queue.)

Then what happens when the socket receive queue fills up?  (Sorry if 
this is obvious).


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.

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