FreeBSD NFS server not responding to TCP SYN packets from Linux/SunOS clients

Eric Anderson anderson at
Fri Oct 14 10:41:50 PDT 2005

Nicolas KOWALSKI wrote:
> Eric Anderson <anderson at> writes:
>>Nicolas KOWALSKI wrote:
>>>Mike Silbersack <silby at> writes:
>>>>Actually, there may be a quick fix for this specific machine.  If
>>>>you set net.inet.tcp.keepidle to 1 minute (60*whatever kern.hz is),
>>>>that'll cause keepalive packets to be sent every minute to an idle
>>>>connection, rather than every 2 hours.  That would kill the stuck
>>>>connections much quicker.
>>>Unfortunately, this does not work as expected. I just tested with
>>>my workstation (Linux 2.6), with NFS filesystems mounted with TCP;
>>>when the station rebooted abruptely, mounting the same NFS
>>>filesystems hung more than 1 minute (15 minutes just now). During
>>>this hang, I saw on the server, using netstat, the nfsd process
>>>related to my workstation in ESTABLISHED state.
>>Man fixmount?
> This is a FreeBSD-only command apparently. I did not find it on Linux
> or Solaris. It could have been useful, by calling it before NFS
> filesystems are mounted on clients, yes.

It's available on Fedora Core 2 and 3 at least.


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.

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