Swap problem on FreeBSD 5.2.1-RC

Marco Pizzi marco at pizzi.name
Tue Feb 8 05:53:43 PST 2005


We've installed (a long time ago) the FreeBSD version 5.2.1-RC on a server.
We've noticed, at least two times, very bad problems on the swap system; in the
detail, we've found the well known error in the messages file:

swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer: device: da0s1a

The fact strange is that the da0s1a device is not a swap partition!

# Device                Mountpoint      FStype  Options         Dump    Pass#
/dev/da0s1b            none            swap    sw              0       0
/dev/da0s1a             /               ufs     rw              1       1

Have you ever seen such a problem?




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