que! cdrw support

David Kleiner kleiner at panix.com
Sun May 25 13:40:19 PDT 2003

On Sun, May 25, 2003 at 08:26:44PM +0900, Hidetoshi Shimokawa wrote:
> At Sun, 25 May 2003 06:20:20 -0400,
> David Kleiner wrote:
> > after turning the device off and on, I finally get
> > wallaby% fwcontrol -d 0
> > 04213830 31333934 00ffa000 0001f302 40001b5e 00044ffc 030001f3 8100000f
> The third quadlet(0x00ffa000) indicates that it supports only 100Mbps.
> Can you try with the following?
> # sysctl hw.firewire.sbp.max_speed=0
> /\ Hidetoshi Shimokawa
> \/  simokawa at sat.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
> PGP public key: http://www.sat.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~simokawa/pgp.html

No luck:

kernel: fwohci0: txd err=14 ack busy_X
kernel: fw_asybusy

3 times

kernel: firewire0: max_asyretry exceeded
kernel: sbp0:0:0 management ORB timeout

wallaby% fwcontrol -t
crc_len: 4 generation:12 node_count:2 sid_count:2
id link gap_cnt speed delay cIRM power port0 port1 port2 ini more
00    1      63  S400     0    0   -1W     -     P         1    0
01    1       5  S400     0    1    0W     C     -         0    0

camcontrol hangs as well:

wallaby# truss camcontrol rescan all
open("/dev/xpt0",0x2,00)                         = 3 (0x3)
readlink("/etc/malloc.conf",0xbfbff4b0,63)       ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
issetugid()                                      = 0 (0x0)
getuid()                                         = 0 (0x0)
mmap(0x0,4096,0x3,0x1002,-1,0x0)                 = 671551488 (0x28071000)
break(0x8078000)                                 = 0 (0x0)
break(0x807a000)                                 = 0 (0x0)
break(0x807b000)                                 = 0 (0x0)

(cannot kill it)


wallaby# camcontrol devlist -v
scbus0 on sbp0 bus 0:
<QPS CD-W524E 1.5A>                at scbus0 target 0 lun 0 (probe0,cd0,pass0)
<  >                               at scbus0 target -1 lun -1 ()
scbus1 on umass-sim0 bus 0:
scbus-1 on xpt0 bus 0:
<  >                               at scbus-1 target -1 lun -1 (xpt0)


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