fwd: CFR: patch to cleanup usage of SRC_BASE in various ports

Mark Linimon linimon at lonesome.com
Tue Nov 30 19:39:10 UTC 2010

Forwarded individually from a message initially posted to
freebsd-ports at FreeBSD.org.  Note: the patch has been updated from the
version first uploaded.



----- Forwarded message from Mark Linimon <linimon at lonesome.com> -----

From: Mark Linimon <linimon at lonesome.com>
To: ports at FreeBSD.org
Cc: linimon at FreeBSD.org
Subject: CFR: patch to cleanup usage of SRC_BASE in various ports

I am trying to debug a problem in the package building scripts, and
in the process of debugging it, have found some inconsistencies with
ports that require kernel sources.  For installations that keep their
latest sources in /usr/src, this patch should have no effect; however,
for others (such as pointyhat, which has multiple src trees) this should
fix edge conditions with 'make describe'.

I would appreciate feedback on the following patch:




----- End forwarded message -----

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