Segmentation fault with RELENG_7 and Linux cmake

Sean C. Farley scf at
Wed Mar 19 00:51:15 UTC 2008

I have a build chroot based upon FC2--please do not shoot me--that had
worked in the past with RELENG_6 on an i386 box.  I moved to RELENG_7 on
an amd64 box.  For some reason, running cmake core dumps regardless if
it is my FC2 chroot or linux_base-fc{4,6}.  A simple test is running

mkdir -p test/build
mkdir -p test/src
echo "PROJECT(ARGH)" > test/src/CMakeLists.txt
cd test/build
cmake ../src

This results in:
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
[1]    22830 segmentation fault (core dumped) /home/sean/devel/chroots/fc2/usr/bin/cmake ..

The output from linux_kdump near the final gasp:

  22793 cmake    CALL  linux_select(0x9,0x82d4630,0,0,0)
  22793 cmake    RET   linux_select 1
  22793 cmake    CALL  read(0x8,0x82d41f8,0x400)
  22793 cmake    GIO   fd 8 read 136 bytes
        "gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/home/sean/devel/chroots/fc2/home\
  22793 cmake    RET   read 136/0x88
  22793 cmake    CALL  linux_select(0x9,0x82d4630,0,0,0)
  22793 cmake    RET   linux_select 1
  22793 cmake    CALL  read(0x8,0x82d41f8,0x400)
  22793 cmake    GIO   fd 8 read 0 bytes
  22793 cmake    RET   read 0
  22793 cmake    CALL  close(0x8)
  22793 cmake    RET   close 0
  22793 cmake    CALL  linux_select(0x7,0x82d4630,0,0,0)
  22793 cmake    RET   linux_select 1
  22793 cmake    PSIG  SIGCHLD caught handler=0x8215a00 mask=0x0 code=0x0
  22793 cmake    CALL  read(0x3,0xffffbc77,0x1)
  22793 cmake    RET   read -1 errno 11 Resource deadlock avoided
  22793 cmake    CALL  write(0x4,0xffffbc77,0x1)
  22793 cmake    GIO   fd 4 wrote 1 byte
  22793 cmake    RET   write 1
  22793 cmake    CALL  linux_rt_sigreturn(0xffffbd18)
  22793 cmake    RET   linux_rt_sigreturn JUSTRETURN
  22793 cmake    PSIG  SIGSEGV SIG_DFL
  22793 cmake    NAMI  "cmake.core"

Any ideas?

scf at

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