ports/91911: [PATCH]: x11-toolkits/linux-gtk2: distfile unfetchable

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at Leidinger.net
Mon Feb 13 00:40:12 PST 2006

Jean-Yves Lefort <jylefort at FreeBSD.org> wrote:

>> Feel free to come up with other broken ports.
> They are not broken. I'm making the point that you should either

They are broken regarding the current (non-ideal) state of affairs.

> commit the SUB_ARCH (or whatever varname will make you sleep better)

I like to see LINUX_RPM_ARCH instead of SUB_ARCH.

> patch, let me do it, or have portmgr commit the bpm patch.

Since the change to linux-gtk/Makefile affects a lot of ports, I object to a
commit without appropriate testing. Feel free to team up with portmgr for a
test run on the ports build cluster (amd64 and ideally ia32 too) for this
change. If portmgr doesn't see obvious problems in the test run with a
change from ARCH to LINUX_RPM_ARCH, I welcome the commit of this patch.

> FYI, the following ports (which I maintain) are affected:
> emulators/linux-ePSXe
> emulators/linux-peops-*
> emulators/linux-pete-*
> games/linux-x-plane
> games/linux-x-plane-net-installer
> x11-themes/linux-gtk-bluecurve-theme

The only thing you just said is, that your ports don't comply to the current
scheme and you know about it.

All of those ports are some kind of leaf ports, while most of the ports which
do the ARCH-dance ATM are infrastructure ports which are used by several leaf
ports. The impact due to a bad change to the infrastructure ports is higher,
than the impact of changes to your leaf ports. If portmgr doesn't has the
time to do the test run on the cluster, I suggest you change your ports to
comply to the current scheme. We can fix it properly (the quick fix is to
commit this patch; a better solution would be to use bsd.linux-rpm.mk,
especially since a new linux_base port without the use of the rpm command is
upcomming) after the release then.


http://www.Leidinger.net  Alexander @ Leidinger.net: PGP ID = B0063FE7
http://www.FreeBSD.org     netchild @ FreeBSD.org  : PGP ID = 72077137
Herth's Law:
	He who turns the other cheek too far gets it in the neck.

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