user-mode-linux in fbsd

Andrew Gallatin gallatin at
Mon Mar 21 08:21:17 PST 2005

Krzysztof Drewicz writes:
 > On Fri, Mar 18, 2005 at 05:02:27PM -0500, Andrew Gallatin wrote:
 > Only s/=4096/+=4096/ or cast 4096 to a pointer type in your patch.

Yes, it was intended to be mostly a hack to prove that the problem was
with the algorithm that selected a bad location for mmap if no hint
was given.

 > I've figured out: 
 > linux: ptrace(24, ...) not implemented
 > And any of 'ptrace' in sys/compat/ is not implemented, uml says "we depend 
 > on ptrace" so it's not possilble right now.

FreeBSD also has a ptrace, and a quick glance makes it look
like there may be a 1:1 mapping for most things.    But the 
PTRACE_PEEKUSER / PTRACE_POKEUSER that uml is trying to do
to change sycall numbers sounds rather scary.   I'm not sure
if there would be a 1:1 mapping for that, and I don't think
I understand what they are doing well enough to write it from scratch.


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