QEMU needs /dev/tun0 ?

bsdzz bsdzz at verizon.net
Wed Mar 9 19:39:17 PST 2005

>You won't be able to ping any systems other than the FreeBSD host
>because of the way ping works. ping requires superuser access because of
>what it does with the socket() that it uses. This is why it's suid to
>root on your system. For the most part, I've found user-mode networking
>to be sufficient for use with QEMU.
Well, my Windows 2000's now works - and I have no idea why.  I spent 
several hours last night trying to access the internet, and it never 
worked.  I boot today, and now it works fine (though slow).  I am using 
"-user-net" again, as you suggested.


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