running older DOS console programs with bochs or dosbox

Andrew Reilly areilly at
Thu Feb 12 20:24:49 PST 2004

On Fri, Feb 13, 2004 at 06:20:14AM +0200, John Hay wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2004 at 06:43:25PM -0500, Clark C. Evans wrote:
> > I'm trying to get a DOS emulator to work under FreeBSD, the archive
> > was provided as an example of what I'm trying ton run.  I was not 
> > struggling with unziping this archive.  Does anyone have any paths
> > I should be trying to get an emulator to work?  
> Have you tried doscmd that comes with FreeBSD? I normally recompile it
> after X is installed because it works a lot better for me in its own
> X window using the fonts in /usr/libdata/doscmd/fonts/
> It works good enough for me to run the old topspeed C v3 compiler
> that creates 16 bit 8086 code. Good for embedded 80186 stuff. :-)

Another approach that might not work for the OP, but which I
use a fair bit is to use wine to run win32 command-line tools.
Works very nicely, and a few wrapper scripts mean that you can
run assemblers and linkers and the like from within BSD make

I don't think that wine does pure DOS stuff, though.


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