running older DOS console programs with bochs or dosbox

Clark C. Evans cce at
Thu Feb 12 17:19:31 PST 2004

The newer version of dosbox (.61), which hasn't made ports yet,
seems to be working.  I gave up on trying to get bochs to work
on FreeBSD, has anyone else had luck?  (Specifically the issue
about not being able to load the VGABIOS?)


On Thu, Feb 12, 2004 at 06:43:25PM -0500, Clark C. Evans wrote:
| I'm trying to get a DOS emulator to work under FreeBSD, the archive
| was provided as an example of what I'm trying ton run.  I was not 
| struggling with unziping this archive.  Does anyone have any paths
| I should be trying to get an emulator to work?  
| Thanks,
| Clark
| On Thu, Feb 12, 2004 at 09:06:15PM +0100, Guido van Rooij wrote:
| | On Thu, Feb 12, 2004 at 02:17:11PM -0500, Clark C. Evans wrote:
| | > Hello.  I'm trying to get a DOS program in the self-extracting
| | > archive
| | > to run on FreeBSD.  I tried to use bochs and dosbox.
| | > 
| | 
| | Why so complex?
| | 
| | [/tmp] guido at beck> unzip gas*
| | Archive:  gas20dos.exe
| |   inflating: GAS.EXE                 
| |   inflating: ALS.GAS                 
| |   inflating: ALS.PED                 
| |   inflating: ALS1.SIZ                
| |   inflating: ALS2.SIZ                
| |   inflating: ASSOC.GAS               
| |   inflating: ASSOC.PED               
| | etc.
| | 
| | -Guido
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Clark C. Evans                     Prometheus Research, LLC
Chief Technology Officer           Turning Data Into Knowledge
cce at

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