re-do vmware2 port

Mark Santcroos marks at
Tue Apr 8 07:11:06 PDT 2003

Related to the various patches over the last time:

The whole process has become rather messy with it's patches on patches, etc.

As I use vmware2 a lot, I depend on being able to quickly make changes when
something changes in -current. 

However, this way it causes me to spent more time patching vmware2 than 
would be necessary.

I therefor propose to make a new clean release of the source that includes
all the patches.

So basically I'm volunteering to take over the maintainership if Vladimir

I know vmware[3,4] is already there but I forsee some future for the vmware2
port for FreeBSD, so I don't think it will be a wasted effort.

Any input welcome!


Mark Santcroos                    RIPE Network Coordination Centre    New Projects Group/TTM

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