Updated switch/glue patch?

Adrian Chadd adrian at freebsd.org
Wed Dec 28 06:54:35 UTC 2011


I have a few questions:

* are you testing this all out with the -HEAD debugging enabled? ie,
witness, invariants, etc?
* Why'd you rename the mutex in the rtl8366rb driver from sc->sc_mtx
to sc->smi_mtx ?
* Why are you creating the callout w/out the lock now, rather than
with a lock? non-locked callouts make it more difficult to cancel
* Are this smi_*_lockheld() functions designed to be called with
sc_smi_mtx held? If so, add a lock assertion macro there.
* You call DELAY() with the lock held:

+                               DELAY(RTL_IICBUS_PHYDELAY); /* chip
needs time to talk to PHY */

.. why not use pause() instead? I don't like how it could result in
that particular mutex being held for far, far too long (and I'm
starting to be weary of mutexes being used as a way of serialising
slow device access, but I digress)..

* You've implemented retries here, which make sense. How then does the
Linux driver work? Or is it doing retries and I just don't remember.
* The older iicbb code with the original timeout doesn't result in any
timeouts at all, just FYI. I'm happy with the idea of a faster, more
efficient iicbb where the driver also handles timeouts correctly.. I
just wonder whether we're making it more complicated.

How is it OpenWRT/Linux doesn't end up suffering from these high CPU
spikes when doing bitbanged GPIO? Or are they seeing them but
preemption is just masking it?


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