Updated switch/glue patch?

Adrian Chadd adrian at freebsd.org
Mon Dec 26 20:46:54 UTC 2011


I've tested the two patches.

* the iicbb patch is fine at first glance, but I haven't yet sat down
to figure out whether it's fine for older (and non-rtl8366rb) devices.
I'll commit it to my repo, so you can just pull it into yours.
  We should likely change it to default to 10uS to preserve behaviour
and then override it in hints (hint.iicbb.0.udelay=3) for this
particular board.

* the rtl8366rb change however applied and compiled, but it has
completely broken things. I don't get any port status updates and
etherswitchcfg doesn't actually return any configuration. Would you
mind retesting all of that?


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