cross compiling for freebsd from windows?

oklahoma stopeme at
Tue Dec 15 08:37:08 PST 2009

Arnold Robbins wrote:
> Hi.
> Has anyone set up cross-compilers / cross-debuggers on Windows (including
> using Cygwin) to compile applications for FreeBSD and debug them from
> Windows? If so, can you please send me any information, links, etc.?
why the effort of making cross compiling tools ? if one need to develop 
application for given operating system,
isn't more convenient to use the os as primary incubator for that 
software? + using virtualization is giving you false
idea of how your app and underline os perform and interact with each 
other. take spare machine install needed version of freebsd
using handbook and online how-to's on how to configure ssh and log in 
from your windows machine if you don't have the skills
to manage sole freebsd machine as both desktop and develop environment. 
thus you have box to torture and you already have
compiler, debugger et cetera...

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