How to make running java/devel-eclipse environment on FreeBSD 9?

Marek lm7 at
Mon Feb 4 16:23:49 UTC 2013

Thank you very much. I will try your patches.

BTW, just for the record - I continued hunting in the mean time for solution and spotted that other java-based programms can be affected as well (in my case it was tuxguitar - enabling "help" in it leads to this issue as well).


Jimmy <jimmy.kelley at> wrote:

>I have found that libxul (libxul 10) doesn't work for building the SWT
>libraries of the eclipse ports since that
>distribution no longer includes the JavaXPCOM code needed for the SWT
>browser functions.  The eclipse ports will
>"successfully" build, but as you notice some parts are missing;  the
>build_xxxxxx.log files down in the work area
>will show you the errors that occured.
>I've submitted PRs with patches attached to switch the eclipse and
>eclipse-devel ports from using libxul to using webkit-gtk2 for the
>SWT browser stuff, and it works great for me. 
>eclipse port:    
>Hopefully this will get things working for you.
>On Fri, Feb 01, 2013 at 03:09:13PM +0100, lm7 at wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Initially eclipse refused even to compile. I googled out that the
>problem might be that eclipse requires libxul19 and the "trick" was to
>adjust its Make file from:
>> USE_GECKO=      libxul19
>> To:
>> USE_GECKO=      libxul libxul19
>> Now, it compiles but it refuses to start complaining with:
>> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load SWT library. Reasons: 
>>         no swt-gtk-4233 in java.library.path
>>         no swt-gtk in java.library.path
>>         Can't load library:
>>         Can't load library:
>> These libs are of course not available on my system - at all. I
>guess, they come exclusively with libxul19 (or something else). 
>> I can try maybe downgrade to force libxul19 but due to known security
>issues I prefer to keep this version away from my machine.
>> I tried also to compile libxul with more options enabled, without
>luck (just shot in the dark with GCONF,GNOMEUI, GNOMEVFS2).
>> Could somebody advice me please what can I do in this situation to
>make eclipse working? Is there other package installing libswt
>> PS
>> I am on 9.1-RELEASE #4 r245019 with ports tree around 1 week old.
>> PS2
>> I am not on freebsd-eclipse mailing list so I'd appreciate reply-all.
>> Thank you in advance,
>>  Marek
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