error while using update manager of eclipse

Stephane E. Potvin sepotvin at
Mon Apr 6 06:59:44 PDT 2009

Garimella Srinivas wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have installed eclipse3.4  using ports.  I  have netbeans working  but  due to lack of support  for Geronimo  in netbeans  I have installed eclipse going through this mailing list .
> After I install plugins I get the following error. I installed as root but iam not getting the plugin working as root also . 
> I donot understand the updation of plugins in ports directory rather eclipse directory. Is there any reason for this?


Could you send me the steps you used to install eclipse and the plugins?
   I'd also like to see your ${WORKSPACE}/.metadata/.log file if it's
possible (please send it privately or make it available remotely if it's


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