Failed to build eclipse with gnome 2.12 (failed on cario)

Mark Hobden markhobden at
Thu Sep 15 09:39:00 PDT 2005

On 9/15/05, Vladimir Grebenschikov <vova at> wrote:
> situation even worse, any text inputs in pop dialogues (like
> find-in-current-file and goto-line) does not shown, so I can't find
> anything in file.
> Bug global file-search dialogue works and new project wizard works.

I have now managed to start my computer behaving this way again :-(
and cannot work out how to fix it. I have it exactly the same issues,
also 'File' -> 'Open File' does not result in any dialog loading and
'Help' -> 'About' results in a completely blank dialog opening.

I now think I know how I triggered it to start behaving this way (for
me). I disabled access control to my xserver and started eclipse as
root to use the online update facility then sometime into this
procedure it must have saved something that makes all users on the
system behave this way.

Starting eclipse as root on my laptop resulted in the initial select
workspace dialog loading huge I canceled after this in the hope that
it would not affect the user account I usually use it from and
fortunately it did not.

I have started the same portdowngrading procedure that must have fixed
it for me the last time, however this time rather than trying to
downgrade them all at once I am trying to spend a bit more time on
each one possible port, hopefully I can work out the cause this time.



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