Do we have a equivalent for Linux pinctrl framework in FreeBSD?

Rajesh Kumar rajfbsd at
Mon Sep 24 13:23:01 UTC 2018

Hi Everyone,

Do we have a pinctrl subsystem in FreeBSD which is kind of equivalent to
the Linux Pinctrl subsystem?

I have a GPIO controller which is attached on the ACPI bus (on amd64
platform). I am trying to add the support to configure the pins as
interrupts.  I looked to use the INTRNG framework, but that seems to be not
available for amd64 platforms.  So, I am exploring the pinctrl framework
available in FreeBSD, but that seems available only for FDT devices.  So,
Is there any way I can use this pinctrl framework for my purpose (or) is
there anything else I need to look after?


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