Korean keyboard support

Lee, Jae Ho ljh8199 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 00:33:30 UTC 2015

I am Lee, Jaeho from South Korea. ( not North lol )
I am trying to ask you about the Korean keyboard support in FreeBSD.
The Korean keyborad is featured as below.

"The Korean keyboard has two keys, the Korean/Chinese and the
Korean/English toggles, that generate scancodes f1 and f2 (respectively)
when pressed, and nothing when released. They do not repeat. The keycaps
are "hancha" and "han/yong" (written in Hangul). Hancha (hanja) means
Chinese character, and Han/Yong is short for Hangul/Yongcha
(Korean/English). They are located left and right of the space bar."
( From : http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/kbd/scancodes-9.html )

Basically, on the Korean 103/106 (Korean Government Standard), there are two additional keys as Hangul(scancode of 0xf2)
and Hanja(scancode of 0xf1) to the US 101/104 keyborad. and they don't have release signals if they
are ps/2 type. USB keborad does have release signals.

I tried look in src/sys/dev/atkbdc/atkbd.c  and tried to make a
patch on my own which I inspired by the patch from the linux kernel :
https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6642 , but since I am not
well experienced yet in freebsd programing so I eventually came to ask
for your help.

I am ready to give you answers and informations to any kind of questions
about Korean keybord specifications or other things related that
you might want to know. :)

As you can guess, the keyboard support is quite evident and will be really important and helpful to
many Korean FreeBSD users. 
Thank you in advance. :)


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