TFTPing file from server with Softlink

Dieter BSD dieterbsd at
Mon Jul 30 17:14:27 UTC 2012

[ posted this a few days ago but it never showed up, trying again... ]

> I am trying to TFTP a file from the server running FreeBSD 6.2
> based OS where the file is a symbolic link to a a file in another
> partition. The TFTP server is failing saying no SUCH FILE
> ( Validate_access fails), but when I copy the file locally, the
> server responds and file is FTPd.

Try "grep ftp /etc/inetd.conf" and see what differences you have
between ftp and tftp. Based on your description of the problem,
I suspect you have a difference in chroot between ftp and tftp.

A different partition can be ok, but must be under the chroot if
you're using chroot.

A symbolic link should be ok, but beware of absolute pathnames
if you're using chroot. If tftp is chroot /foo, an absolute
pathname should leave out the /foo (and thus will not work
without the chroot). Or use a relative pathname. And leave out
the /foo on the machine asking for the file.

Using chroot for tftp is generally a good idea for security reasons.

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