Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

Waldemar Antonik waldemar.antonik at
Thu Nov 6 21:18:35 UTC 2014

i still haven't got any reply from you.
can you add me to the distribution list of people who translate FreeBSD
documentation from English to Polish. please also contact me with the
Polish Translation Project, as I was unsuccessful.



On 25 October 2014 10:49, Waldemar Antonik <waldemar.antonik at>

> hi,
> I tried to join the team responsible for translating Handbook from English
> to Polish, but as per below email, my initial email wasn't delivered. I
> also subscribed online twice and no email confirmation received.
> Can you verify if the Polish translation project is still valid? -
> if so, could you forward my email (in Polish) so that I am added to the
> subscription mail box?
> I would like to contribute by translating handbook from END to PL.
> thanks
> Waldi
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon at>
> Date: 25 October 2014 10:43
> Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
> To: waldemar.antonik at
> Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
>      bsd at
> Technical details of permanent failure:
> Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server
> for the recipient domain by [].
> The error that the other server returned was:
> 550 5.1.1 <bsd at>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in
> virtual mailbox table
> ----- Original message -----
> DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
>; s=20120113;
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>  91QxThjLFoQZYQeJ09xwNiz6qgVwpgyClWirTt5+ttbF7iAOKld5ujIZySvqHFo3jRra
>  gJbaOfoDKbSt0ZsXwYTpszz4rbE3tDSlsvojARKxS0kb5QW5QlgvdETipbWEUf/R9p1A
>  aLpF46VUjy36WwT+7Ata0WEkhSTTf3oCdvYiFxk2UfAVlY0ucsxToXoSaVqnRToG0NEg
>  +b2bmHhEch+N81nxjEcE86E99PiKF1fP2i2Jx4eXXkdYq0Q7SRzw1OzsVxoe2oyCwSMN
>          dXCQ==
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> X-Received: by with SMTP id u4mr8521792obs.29.1414230225264;
> Sat,
>  25 Oct 2014 02:43:45 -0700 (PDT)
> Received: by with HTTP; Sat, 25 Oct 2014 02:43:45 -0700 (PDT)
> Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 10:43:45 +0100
> Message-ID: <
> CAHgEzOV9Fku-uY3YBGk1WkkKECy8NGpF5SAO3gWhQLOjjz3MfA at>
> Subject: freebsd-doc Subscription
> From: Waldemar Antonik <waldemar.antonik at>
> To: bsd at
> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=047d7b604cbc35255905063c225f
> czesc,
> wyslalem ze dwa maile z moich skrzynek (yahoo i gmail) i nie dostalem
> zadnego maila potwierdzajacego wyslanie aplikacji na skubskrypcje.
> czy jest to wymagane czy tez ktos rozpatrzy 'podanie o subskrypcje' i
> dostane potwierdzenie?
> przy okazji... . na waszej stronie
> piszenie ze dokumentacja jest zgodna z FreeBSD 5 i 6.
> rozumie ze projekt tlumaczy handbook odnoszacy sie do najnowszych releasow
> tj. 9 i 10, zgadza sie?
> a przy okazji sa one kompatybilne z poprzednimi w tym 5.5 wersja.
> jakbym sie gdzies mylil to prosze o wyjasnienia.
> jezeli mam tlumaczyc teksty z ang na pl odnoszace sie do 'staroci' to to
> sie mija z celem. na stronie freebsd maja zdaje sie handbook dosc dobrze
> zaktualizowany z tego co zauwazylem.
> dzieki za info o tym jak do was subskrybowac itp.
> pozdrawiam
> Waldi

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