Tidy and HTML tab spacing

Warren Block wblock at wonkity.com
Sun Jan 22 00:30:20 UTC 2012

On Sun, 22 Jan 2012, Gabor Kovesdan wrote:

> On 2012.01.18. 23:49, Warren Block wrote:
>> 5. Don't tidy HTML files at all (suggested as an option by Benedict
>>    Reuschling).  The unprocessed HTML is ugly, but few people are going
>>    to look at it directly.  Files that haven't been through tidy are a
>>    little larger, about 4% in the case of the Porter's Handbook. 
> I also think tidy should be removed. As hrs wrote, new standards should be 
> evaluated and probably they are much better. (I think they are.) If there are 
> some nits, then we should process it with a custom script or something, 
> instead of this crapware.

Tidy does a lot; it would be a lot of work to recreate.

There's a default choice I didn't mention earlier:

0.  Leave it alone.

(Maybe this will all change with the DocBook XML changeover.  I don't 
know when that is supposed to happen, but if it's not too long, this 
could be the right way to go.)

Finally, there's one last choice:

6. A pretty good case could be made for using 	 instead of tabs in
    the source <programlisting> blocks.  The more I think about it, the
    more technically-correct that seems.  In that case, tidy should be
    fine as it is now.

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