FreeBSD documentation help - new graid3 page.

Mark Gladman mark at
Fri Jan 13 01:36:26 UTC 2012

Hey all,

I've written up a (very) rough draft (attached) of a graid3 page for 
the FreeBSD manual and would love some input.

I'm not going to pretend to know how to write in DocBook, so I 
apologise for the low-tech plain text nature of it, but as mentioned at 
this point it's still very much a draft and I'm looking for some 

The main issue I'm having is explaining how RAID3 actually works. While 
I get it in principle, I'm not sure how the sector size vs. byte-level 
striping stuff works, nor do I know the algorithm used for calculating 
the default sector size when creating a new array.

Sadly I don't have access to FreeBSD box at the moment so I can't look 
through the source code and see this information.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I've also credited Tom 
Rhodes and Murray Stokely since my documentation is based on their RAID0 
handbook page.

Also, it's possible that people will see this page as unneccesary but I 
thought it might be nice to have it.


PS. Also note there's some asterisks in the page, this is for footnotes 
on the number of bytes by default and about switches which change this 
functionality respectively. I've also asked pjd@ for some implementation 
information too, but knowing he's insanely busy I'd prefer to not hassle 
him if possible.
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