Handbook carp(4) section #31.13

Pavel Timofeev timp87 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 07:27:21 UTC 2011

Please, add some lines or links to the end of carp section
Something like "If you want to run some daemons or scripts when active node
is switching you need to use devd. For example, see HAST section -
Failover Configuration".
Or something like that.
It would be very logically.

For example, I wanted to use carp for failover cluster. And in my case I
didn't need HAST.
Just two nodes with mysql master-master replication, and some daemons that
must be running only on active node.
I went to carp handbook section and I have not found how can I run daemons
with carp.
After that I looked to ucarp and heatbeat from ports, etc. In the end people
from freebsd-questions@ showed me HAST section.

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