Rass khan has added you as a contact on SiliconIndia

Rass khan sinet at siliconindia.us
Fri Feb 13 14:54:41 UTC 2009

     [1]SiliconIndia - India's Largest Professional Network

   [2]Rass khan 
   [3]Rass khan
     Hi freebsd-doc at freebsd.org,
   I would like to invite you to my professional network on SiliconIndia.
   It allows us to invite trusted contacts and stay connected with ease.
   Rass khan
   fcolleagues and friends
   Let us connect and stay in touch. [4]Click here to join

   Humor of the day:
   Fastest insurance claim...
   Three life insurance salesmen of different countries were having a
   chat. Pakistani: When a man died, we processed the claim and delivered
   the check within 24 hours. Indian: When a man died, we. [5]more>>
   Health tip: Humor a day, keeps doctor away.
   View more rib tickling jokes at [6]SiliconIndia Humor

   If you do not wish to receive future mailings from SiliconIndia,[7]
   please opt out. 
   Info Connect WTI Pvt. Ltd. 124, Surya Chambers, Airport Main Road,


   Visible links
   1. file://localhost/tmp/siliconindia.com
   2. http://siliconindia.com/profiles/Rass%20%20khan-B43CRho5
   3. http://siliconindia.com/profiles/Rass%20%20khan-B43CRho5
   4. http://www.siliconindia.com/register.php?id=h5x5Cpb4
   5. http://www.siliconindia.com/showhumor/Fastest_insurance_claim_NRI__Blonde-nid-49879981.html
   6. http://www.siliconindia.com/humor/index.php
   7. http://www.siliconindia.com/network/optoutemails.php

   Hidden links:
   8. http://siliconindia.com/profiles/Rass%20%20khan-B43CRho5

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