RFC: putting our graphs onto the website

Brooks Davis brooks at FreeBSD.org
Mon Apr 23 17:57:31 UTC 2007

On Sun, Apr 22, 2007 at 12:39:26PM +0200, Marc Fonvieille wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 21, 2007 at 10:45:49PM +0200, Gabor Kovesdan wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > as you probably know, we started to maintain some nice graphs about the 
> > mentor-mentee relationships between the project and I added one more 
> > about the specific teams recently. If you haven't noticed these graphs, 
> > go and check them in src/share/misc.
> > 
> > As we have this nice stuff now, I think it would be nice to make them 
> > available for the public. I could have just put it into 
> > people.freebsd.org to my place, but I think the official website is 
> > better for this, since it is rebuilt regularly and get more attention.
> > 
> > I have a patch for building the graphs in www/en/gifs/Makefile, but it 
> > would need graphics/graphviz to be installed on www.FreeBSD.org 
> > (webmaster CC'd) and be added to textproc/docproj (doceng CC'd).
> > The patch is here: http://gabor.t-hosting.hu/patches/graphs.diff
> > And the rendered version is here: 
> > http://gabor.t-hosting.hu/data/organization.html
> >
> I'm not really happy with the fact we should add another dependency to
> the textproc/docproj port.  graphics/graphviz has a lot of heavy
> dependencies.  I'm not sure mirrors would be happy with these
> requirements, don't forget that changing something to the build of the
> www/ or doc/ sets has consequence outside of the FreeBSD.org network.
> On another hand, there are already some equivalent systems to graphviz
> in the current docproj port (I mean some "txt to graph" systems:
> pstricks, groff, etc.), so why not using what is already available
> instead of adding a new application?

Given that docproj includes TeX it's dependency list, complaining about
the weight of graphviz seems silly.  There might be some value
in creating a graphviz-lite slave port to remove the XPM and TK support,
but otherwise it isn't all that bad.  Generating these graphs by
hand would require a huge amount of work everything anything changed.
Unless you plan to do it, suggesting it pointless.

> Regarding the graphs, I can understand the importance of the project
> organization graph, but for the mentor-mentee one I doubt a lot of
> people will really care of it.
> The organization graph can be static, we don't need to say who compose
> the teams since it's already detailed elsewhere.

At least at this point this argument may have more merit.  The
mentor-mentee graphs are cools, but nearly impossible to read (since I
don't have a 16k pixel wide monitor :).

-- Brooks
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