Official Hats page is a wee bit out of date

Bruce A. Mah bmah at
Wed Jun 7 19:24:16 UTC 2006

If memory serves me right, Simon L. Nielsen wrote:
> On 2006.06.04 09:30:34 +0200, Joel Dahl wrote:
>> On Sat, 2006-06-03 at 23:56 -0700, Doug Barton wrote:
>>> I can take a pass at this if no one else gets around to it, but 
>>> is not tracking reality atm.
> IMO it should be marked as "at the time of this writing, see XXX" in
> that document, or names should be removed.

I think I agree with this (specifically the "at the time of this
writing" part).  There are some documents in the tree that were written
to reflect the state of the project at one point in time and some that
attempt to document reality on an ongoing basis.  IMHO the dev-model
article was written to be the former, and morphing it into the latter is
not an easy task.

Another example of this BTW is murray's releng article.  It described
specifically the procedures used for 4.4-RELEASE but we (re@) tried to
turn it into an ongoing release engineering procedures document.  I
believe this was only partially successful, it's reflected in a very
disjointed writing style and content.


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