docs/93764: [patch] addition to firewalls section - ipfw

Daniel Gerzo danger at
Thu Feb 23 19:20:05 UTC 2006

>Number:         93764
>Category:       docs
>Synopsis:       [patch] addition to firewalls section - ipfw
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-doc
>State:          open
>Class:          doc-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Feb 23 19:20:04 GMT 2006
>Originator:     Daniel Gerzo
>Release:        FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE i386
System: FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE #0: Wed Feb 15 02:22:30 CET 2006 root at i386

--- ipfw.diff begins here ---
--- /usr/home/danger/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/firewalls/chapter.sgml.orig	Wed Feb 15 18:10:07 2006
+++ /usr/home/danger/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/firewalls/chapter.sgml	Wed Feb 22 10:00:23 2006
@@ -2283,7 +2283,50 @@
       <para>Set the script to run to activate your rules:</para>
-      <programlisting>firewall_script="/etc/ipfw.rules"</programlisting>
+      <programlisting>firewall_script="/etc/rc.firewall"</programlisting>
+      <para>Set the type of firewall.  This enables a simple pre-set
+	ruleset for <application>IPFW</application>:</para>
+      <programlisting>firewall_type="open"</programlisting>
+      <para>Available values for this setting are:</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+	<listitem>
+	  <para><literal>open</literal> — allow anyone in.</para>
+	</listitem>
+	<listitem>
+	  <para><literal>client</literal> — will protect only this
+	    machine.</para>
+	</listitem>
+	<listitem>
+	  <para><literal>simple</literal> — protect the whole
+	    network.</para>
+	</listitem>
+	<listitem>
+	  <para><literal>closed</literal> — entirely disables IP
+	    services except via lo0 interface.</para>
+	</listitem>
+	<listitem>
+	  <para><literal>UNKNOWN</literal> — disables the loading
+	    of firewall rules.</para>
+	</listitem>
+	<listitem>
+	  <para><replaceable>filename</replaceable> — will load the rules
+	    in the given filename (full path required).</para>
+	</listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+      <note>
+	<para>If <literal>firewall_type</literal> is set either to
+	  <literal>client</literal> or <literal>simple</literal>, the
+	  default rules found in <filename>/etc/rc.firewall</filename>
+	  should be reviewed to fit to the setup of the given machine.
+	  Also note, that the examples used in this chapter expect that
+	  the <literal>firewall_type</literal> is set to
+	  <filename>/etc/ipfw.rules</filename>.</para>
+      </note>
       <para>Enable logging:</para>
--- ipfw.diff ends here ---

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