Are there any directions, how to translate usergroups.xml?

Rudolf Cejka cejkar at
Thu Sep 8 11:07:41 UTC 2005

Hiroki Sato wrote (2005/09/08):
>  These are because the localization support is not finished yet.
>  I am working on it, so could you please be patient for one more
>  weeks or so?  Thanks.

I'm sorry, but usergroups.sgml has been deleted 7 weeks ago and
I waited for nearly 2 months. Today I'm trying to look at it and
I simply do not understand, why it is done in such a curious
way - related questions are in the previous mails.


Rudolf Cejka <cejkar at>
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology
Bozetechova 2, 612 66  Brno, Czech Republic

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