docs/87445: comments for improvement of handbook/kernelconfig-config.html

Marc Fonvieille blackend at
Sat Oct 15 15:32:19 UTC 2005

On Sat, Oct 15, 2005 at 02:02:48PM +0100, Ceri Davies wrote:
> > 
> > I am very much in favor of this idea. Though, should we really tag 
> > another branch? We recently branched the documentation for RELENG6
> > so we might want to just use that? instead of duplicating that
> > information. On the other hand, a nice schedule and the availability
> > of 'old' unused branches is also very nice.
> I guess that this really would count as "sweeping", which means that
> we'll have to wait a week or two.  At least that allows us plenty of
> time to finalise the plans.
> The important points are:
>         i) Handbook-4 must still be available on the website, probably
>            via the URL /doc/<lang>/handbook4/;
>        ii) We must be able to rip out all the [1-4].x information that
>            is in our way from the current handbook.
> To me, that means:
>         i) Laying down a (PRE_)HANDBOOK4 CVS tag;
>        ii) Repocopying doc/<lang>/books/handbook to
>            doc/<lang>/books/handbook4 for each language;

This is not needed.  The idea (if I understood well your idea) is to
drop 4.X remains from the Handbook, so en_US version needs a tag and
localized versions need a branch (if the translation is not complete
when handbookX is tagged).  All that should be done with a "major
release support" schedule in mind.
Then if people go on part of the
web site the 4.X docs should be proposed.
On the homepage just the "current" Handbook should be linked, with
"current" meaning "the Handbook covering the supported releases."

Our current problem is that supporting 6.X, 5.X and 4.X at the same time
in our docs is a nightmare.  It is not really possible to maintain many
versions of the same large doc (book) without headaches, especially for
translators (if there are 2 or 3 versions for en_US, it means 4 or 6
versions to work on for the translator: the en_US and the localized
versions).  So, from my point of view, droping the support is the
best/easiest solution but this does not need a repocopy or to have 2
"physical" versions of the same doc.

Well, I feel my english sucks today, so my words may be not accurate,
I'm sorry for this.

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