docs/87445: comments for improvement of handbook/kernelconfig-config.html

Marc Fonvieille blackend at
Sat Oct 15 12:36:23 UTC 2005

On Sat, Oct 15, 2005 at 01:20:37PM +0100, Ceri Davies wrote:
> [ Moved to doc@ from some other place ]
> On Sat, Oct 15, 2005 at 05:58:37AM -0400, Tom Rhodes wrote:
> >                                                     Or perhaps
> > 4.X will be knifed from the handbook.  And most likely, the
> > only people who will expect it coming will be those that aren't
> > going to stand in my way.[1]  :)
> > 
> > [1]: Please don't take that as if it's rude, I'm actually
> >      joking around with it.  Cause I know that if someone
> >      tried that, well, to core && doceng they'd be explaining.
> Actually that's a great idea.  There's no reason why we couldn't, like
> today, commit a copy of the current handbook to handbook4 and then get
> rid of all the crud from the real handbook.  Same deal with the FAQ.
> The information is still available then, but we no longer have to tear
> our own hair own trying to maintain the documents.

If people agree with that idea, let's freeze a Handbook4 and stop
"supporting" 4.X in docs.  (By "freeze" I mean no any new
addition/change beside typos.)  Let's then create a HANDBOOK_4 (or
something like that) tag for CVSup operations.
We could do the same for Handbook5 when 5.X will be dropped.
Well, we could do the same as the Security Officer and set up a schedule
for releases Handbook/docs support; this schedule will allow us to know
when a HandbookX freeze will happen.

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