tx underrun ? (add entry into xl manpage)

Rob spamrefuse at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 30 12:37:50 UTC 2005

Vincent Blondel wrote:
> Hello all,
> When having a look at log files on my web servers, I
regulary see next output on the 3COM ethernet
interfaces :
>     xl1: transmission error: 90
>     xl1: tx underrun, increasing tx start threshold
to 120 bytes
>     xl1: transmission error: 90
>     xl1: tx underrun, increasing tx start threshold
to 180 bytes
>     xl1: promiscuous mode enabled
>     xl1: promiscuous mode disabled
> Can somebody explain me what it is and if this
situation is normal ?

Rumours are that these messages are harmless, but if
can explain these messages properly, it would be nice
add an entry to the  DIAGNOSTICS  section of the xl
(hence, this mail also goes to doc mailinglist)

I see these messages too on my router/gateway:

xl1: transmission error: 90
xl1: tx underrun, increasing tx start threshold to 120
xl1: transmission error: 90
xl1: tx underrun, increasing tx start threshold to 180
xl0: transmission error: 90
xl0: tx underrun, increasing tx start threshold to 120
xl1: transmission error: 90
xl1: tx underrun, increasing tx start threshold to 240


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