Handbook DHCPD needs update?

Mark Space markspace at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 27 19:47:33 UTC 2005

(This missive is going to both freebsd-stable and freebsd-doc.)

Hi all, I just got done setting up my brand spankin' new FreeBSD 6 
(release) server for DHCPD, and I found an ommision in the online 
handbook.  I'm a newbie at FreeBSD but I'm pretty sure about this.

In short, the handbook never mentions that one needs to add the 
following lines to /etc/rc.conf:


If one doesn't do that, the script that the handbook says to use to 
start dhcpd won't work, even if you do it manually as the handbook 

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/isc-dhcpd.sh start

This won't work.  This script snarfs values out of  /etc/rc.conf, and 
the default (in the script above) for dhcpd_enable is NO.  Hence the 
script alone won't start anything.  (When you check the handbook, make 
sure you scrolldown to section 24.5.7.  The first part of the DHCP 
section explains how to set up the client (dhclient).  That part does 
have the correct setup for /etc/rc.conf.  Scroll down to the server 
section, dhcpd, to see what I'm talknin' about.)

Anyhoo, what's the best way to fix this?  I could submit a patch, but it 
might be faster for someone else. I've never submitted a patch to the 

Peace, out.

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