[Using portsnap] Crontab rule when using portsnap from ports

Ed Schouten ed at fxq.nl
Mon Nov 21 23:06:17 UTC 2005

Hello FreeBSD docs guys,

It looks like there is a small bug on the 'Using portsnap' page [1]:

| Adding the following line to /etc/crontab will cause portsnap to
| update its compressed snapshot and the INDEX files in /usr/ports/, and
| will send an email if any installed ports are out of date:
| 0 3 * * * root portsnap -I cron update && pkg_version -vIL=

Running portsnap with multiple commands does not work when portsnap is
built from ports.

An extra 'Note' should be added below:

| Note: Portsnap from Ports does not understand multiple instructions at
| a time. Replace 'portsnap -I cron update' with 'portsnap cron &&
| portsnap -I update'.

 Ed Schouten <ed at fxq.nl>
 WWW: http://g-rave.nl/

[1]: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/portsnap.html
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