typo in - The KDE Display Manager

Roman Kaganovich roman at marvell.com
Sun Mar 27 12:25:15 UTC 2005


I've tried to configure kdm in FreeBSD release 5.3 and found this typo 
(or error) in the Handbook (section The KDE Display Manager).

For the *KDE* login-time desktop background to be honored, the following 
line needs to be added to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0:




As I've found , there isn't /usr/local/bin/kdmdesktop application in KDE 
package distributed with FreeBSD 5.3.
Instead this the  /usr/local/bin/kdesktop should be used.



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    /::::|____|::::|____|	Kaganovich Roman                 
   /::::/ ___/::::/ ____ 	Marvell Semiconductor Israel Ltd
  /::::/ |____|::/ |____|	Tel: + 972 4 9091500 ext. 31442 
 /::::/   _/__::/   ____ 	Cellular: + 972 544 802768       
/____/   |____|/   |____|	Email: roman at marvell.com     

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