Geom/GBDE documentation comments.

Matthew Bostrom mb at
Sun Feb 27 20:57:07 UTC 2005

Hi doc at,

	I just installed FreeBSD 5.3 and played with GBDE on it.

	I followed these instructions:

	I noticed the following two discrepancies:

---- Discrepancy 1 ----

16.15.1 - This section implies that you need to recompile your kernel
to get GBDE functionality.  On 5.3 (and possibily on 5.2.1 and maybe
even earlier versions), recompiling the kernel is not necessary.  The
standard kernel can do GBDE "out of the box".  You can check and see:

# ls -l /boot/kernel/geom_bde.ko 
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  23345 Nov  4 20:19 /boot/kernel/geom_bde.ko

	This file is the gbde kernel module.  If you have it, you do
not need to recompile.

---- Discrepancy 2 ----

16.15.2 says "For use with UFS1 or UFS2, set the sector_size to 2048:"

However, when I set sector_size to 2048 I got the following message:

"gbde: sector_size not a proper number"

So I used a sector size of 512.  I have no idea why 2048 did not work.
I believe that 2048 did work with 5.2.1.

---- End Discrepancies ----



                                                        mb at

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