Current unassigned doc problem reports

Kevin Kinsey kdk at
Fri Feb 11 21:12:19 UTC 2005

Tom Rhodes wrote:

>On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 20:00:41 +0100
>Joel Dahl <joel at> wrote:
>>On Mon, 2005-02-07 at 19:06 +0800, David Adam wrote:
>>>This is a massive list.
>>...and it gets even bigger if you include open doc PR's that's assigned
>>to individuals.  Perhaps someone should announce the "official FreeBSD
>>PR hunting week" or something...
>>Let's see, there's 207 open doc PR's, and we have somewhere around 102
>>doc committers, so that should be about 2 PR's each....or, well, not all
>>committers are active, so Tom Rhodes should probably take 15.  ;-)
>Man, even a non-committer is scoring on me now ...  :P

Now, be encouraged ... take heart!  I love FreeBSD, and it's
dollars to donuts that some of the docs that have helped move
me from newbie to cluebie, made me chuckle, or that I have
pointed out to others were typed by *your* fingers!

{Although I guess it could have been an imposter ... :-D }

Not to mention, my spam count is down since I read your
"greylisting" article.  Now, if only my friends' ISP's were
all using proper MTA's...

I've not followed up on a couple of things I had on my
desk for the Project due to the fact that my company's
not been making budget over the winter months.  I decided
to try my hand at more actual *work* for a while.  However,
I hope to be back reading this list soon, and I'll bet I can
patch *something*.

Kevin Kinsey

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