www/79239: [PATCH] rewrite usergroups to xml

Hiroki Sato hrs at FreeBSD.org
Fri Apr 29 08:51:08 UTC 2005

Remko Lodder <remko at elvandar.org> wrote
  in <20050424100735.GR68140 at elvandar.org>:

re> Hi!,
re> 	Inline attached is a new copy of the migration to XML.
re> 	I stole^Wused Josef's Commercial gallery for this and it seems to
re> 	me that it works out now.
re> 	Does someone have any comments about this?

 I think it is better to put the necessary stylesheet changes
 to the language-independent share/ directory.  If we do not so,
 duplicate XSLT code will be scattered all over the language-dependent
 directories, and we cannot use automatic selection of original and
 translated entries and so on.

 I will work on sorting it out this weekend.  Could you please give
 me some time?  Thanks.

| Hiroki SATO
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