Question regarding 'placeholders' (Translations)

Hiroki Sato hrs at
Mon Sep 20 22:12:08 UTC 2004

Marc Fonvieille <blackend at> wrote
  in <20040918152344.GF60807 at>:

blackend> The original problem was just the fact the english text of
blackend> non-translated part should not kept for obvious reason of
blackend> space/bandwidth space.  *This* point should be mentioned somewhere, if
blackend> it's not already done.  Then people are free to use the way they prefer:
blackend> skeletons or not, custom placeholders etc.

 I agree with this.  Probably we do not need a strict rule of the
 style of placeholders because it is mainly for the translators,
 not for the readers.  If we need to make clear which part is not
 translated yet, keeping the "original revision" line suffices.

 Probably we have no objection to that the translators can use
 a placeholder when they want to commit a partly-finished
 translation of large document in order to make it buildable.
 Some styles are already suggested, but which should be used
 is a bikeshed problem, I think.

| Hiroki SATO
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