emacs question

Omer Faruk Sen ofsen at enderunix.org
Mon Nov 22 14:55:02 UTC 2004


First of all I am very new to emacs. I am learning emacs to use psgml mode 
since vi isn't very helpful on writing sgml documents. According to emacs 
part of FreeBSD document primer I can use (C-c C-e, C-c = , C-c C-r ....) 
but when I use any of these key combinations I get that error: 

"No document type defined by prolog". 

I am sure this is a very easy question to answer but as I said before I am 
very new to emacs. 

Another problem is when I try to validate a sgml document I get: 

articles.ent (the sgml document that I try to validate is an article) not 
found. How can I include articles.ent through emacs? 

By the way I wish we have a better emacs part on FDP. 

Best Regards. 

Omer Faruk Sen
Software Development Team @ Turkey
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