Translate to Hungarian

Andreas Tolfsen ato at
Tue Jun 22 23:35:04 UTC 2004

Tom Rhodes wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 01:17:10 +0200
> "Ceater" <ceater at> wrote:
>>I would like to translate the docs to Hungarian
>>Can i do that?
> Please.

I would maybe be interested in doing some Norwegian translations... 
would there be a norwegian translation project?

I just thought I could translate some minor stuff when I had some time 
to spare, that's it really...

Well any help would be helpful. :-)

So how do you start really?  I am not very familiar with SGML really, so 
I would really know what *document* I would be start translating, 
whether that is the plain text document, or such.

Sorry if I said something that is wrong, or such, and if so please do 
correct me.

Andreas Tolfsen
<ato at>

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